Lancaster 740.653.5064
Columbus 614.862.8008

Breast Reconstruction Photos - Case #2744

Patient Case #2744

This 50-year-old woman from Columbus had previously undergone breast reconstruction using tissue expanders and breast implants and was unhappy with the asymmetry of the breasts.  Before she came to see Dr. Lichten, two other plastic surgeons had operated on her, attempting to correct her problems, but she remained dissatisfied.

Dr. Lichten was able to revise the implant capsules, put in larger implants, and provide support to the lateral aspect of the breast using Alloderm in one operation.

She is thrilled that Dr. Lichten was able to correct what two other surgeons had failed to fix.  She only wishes “that I came to Dr. Lichten first.”

Surgeon: Jason B. Lichten, MD
Patient Age: 50
Patient Gender: Female
Implant Size Left: 500 cc
Implant Size Right: 500 cc
Implant Wall: Smooth Wall
Implant Placement: Submuscular
Implant Contents: Semi-Solid Silicone Gel
Implant Shape: Round

Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction


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