Lancaster 740.653.5064
Gahanna 614.862.8008

Photos - Case #2438

Patient Case #2438

This patient came to Dr. Lichten after having a breast reduction and a revision of the breast reduction done by another surgeon. She was unhappy with the position of her nipples because they were too high and stuck out the top of bathing suits or bras. Dr. Lichten suggested treating her problem by reconstructing and revising the shape of her breasts through a breast lift of the lower part of her breasts and placing breast implants to fill in the upper part of her breast to help “recenter” her nipples. This was done in one operation and the patient was thrilled with the results. She commented that she felt more confident and able to wear the clothes she wanted to wear.

Surgeon: Jason B. Lichten, MD
Patient Age: 28
Patient Gender: Female
Implant Size Left: 400 cc
Implant Size Right: 425 cc
Implant Wall: Smooth Wall
Implant Placement: Submuscular
Implant Contents: Saline Implants
Implant Shape: Round
Breast Incision Type: Inframammary



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