Lancaster 740.653.5064
Columbus 614.862.8008

Tummy Tuck Photos - Case #2650

Patient Case #2650

This 32 year-old woman consulted with Dr. Lichten at Central Ohio Plastic Surgery to discuss laxity of her skin and abdominal muscles following pregnancy.  She gained (and lost) 80 pounds during pregnancy and was unable to restore her abdomen to it’s pre-pregnancy shape, despite diet and excercise.  She also had experienced abnormal uterine bleeding and was scheduled for a hysterectomy by her gynecologist.  She decide to have an abdominoplasty perfomed by Dr. Lichten at the time of her hysterectomy.

At her surgery, Dr. Lichten was able to remove 4 pounds of excess, loose skin and fat and repair the spread of her abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) that she experienced with pregnancy.  She had an uneventful recovery and is thrilled with her results.

Surgeon: Jason B. Lichten, MD
Patient Age: 33
Height: 5’4″
Weight Before: 155 lbs
Patient Gender: Female

Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck


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