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Archive for August, 2013

Gummy Smile – Options Columbus

Your gums shouldn’t prevent you from showing the world your smile. Get a gummy smile taken care of by visiting a plastic surgeon for a short procedure. Which procedure is best for you? It all depends on your specific type of gummy smile. Many cases of gummy smile can be dealt with using small injections […]

Columbus Liposuction

Many people, men and women alike, have areas of their body with stubborn pockets of fat. Genetics can play a huge part in this as we are all pre-destined to gain weight in specific areas of our bodies and these bits can be extremely difficult to tone no matter the time and effort you put […]

Columbus Breast Reduction – Reducing Back Pain and Neck Strain

Many people don’t understand the physical and sometimes emotional strains of having very large breasts. The neck, shoulders and back can suffer and even breathing can be made more difficult. Exercise can be painful and uncomfortable. Shopping can also be a stressful challenge as large breasts may not be in proportion to the rest of […]

Blepharoplasty Columbus

The skin on the face is often the first to show early signs of aging. This skin is delicate, particularly in the area around the eyes. For people with upper eyelids which have excessive skin folds, are heavy or sagging and may even be obstructing vision, or for people with lower eyelids which droop down […]

Columbus Abdominoplasty

Men and women who have sagging skin in their midsection due to weight loss or pregnancy, a distended abdomen that protrudes out of proportion with the rest of their figure, muscles in the abdomen which have loosened, or excess fat deposits in a concentrated area that is the abdomen, may be good candidates for a […]


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