Archive for 2015
Rhytidectomy – Columbus Facial Procedures

The appearance of youth fades over time as a result of the development of signs of facial aging. If you want to get rid of sagging skin and facial wrinkles, you may be interested in a rhytidectomy, also known as a facelift. Your rhytidectomy procedure will feature the creation of incisions in the hairline region. […]
Skin Cancer Surgery – Cancerous Lesions Lancaster

When a person discovers a suspicious lesion on their face, it is a cause for concern. In those times, it is important to remember that the first step is diagnosis. When a cancerous or precancerous lesion is diagnosed, this necessitates the use of skin cancer surgery to excise it. Facial cancerous or precancerous lesions can […]
Breast Augmentation Recovery – Columbus Breast Implants

The breast augmentation procedure is a highly popular plastic surgery option for those who would like to have larger breasts. If you’re interested in this procedure, it’s best to have a good understanding of the breast augmentation recovery process. For the first one to two weeks of breast augmentation recovery, it will be best to […]
Buttocks Lift – Gluteal Resculpting Columbus

A sagging buttocks can make a person feel self-conscious in a swimsuit. To rejuvenate and enhance the buttocks, consider coming in for a buttocks lift. When it comes to buttocks lift surgery, there are two options for incisions: the upper area of the buttocks, and at the crease below each cheek. The degree of excess […]
Augmentation Mastopexy Recovery – Lancaster Breasts

Augmentation mastopexy is an ideal method of providing total breast enhancement, lifting the breasts while giving them the extra volume you desire. Once the procedure is complete, augmentation mastopexy recovery will be necessary. After around one week of augmentation mastopexy recovery, the patient will be feeling well-rested and ready to return to their workplace and […]
Reduction Mammaplasty – Breast Reduction Columbus

Reduction mammaplasty is a method of reducing the size of the breasts, which is ideal for those women dealing with excess breast tissue. Shoulder pain, neck pain, back pain, poor posture, and rashes beneath the breasts are all physical problems that are common symptoms of excessively large breasts. Other symptoms include body issues, discomfort when […]
Liposuction Recovery – Lancaster Fat Reduction

When you get liposuction surgery to reduce areas of your body in volume, you’ll enjoy permanent fat-reduction benefits. After the procedure, you’ll need to experience a period of liposuction recovery as your body heals. You should not return to your job for around one to two weeks after liposuction. If your job is very strenuous […]
Mommy Makeover Package – Tummy Tuck Lancaster

Your Mommy Makeover package will include several procedures to recontour and enhance your body after pregnancy. If desired, your Mommy Makeover will feature a tummy tuck procedure. The tummy tuck procedure is a perfect solution for mothers who are unhappy with their abdomens. Pregnancy expands the midsection, pushing apart and weakening the muscles of the […]
Breast Implants – Columbus Breast Enhancement

Interested in augmenting your bustline with breast augmentation surgery? It’s important to know that breast implants come in a variety of types. Silicone, saline, and gummy bear breast implants are all potential options. They’re also available in many different sizes, shapes, and textures. When you come in for a consultation, you’ll learn about and discuss […]
Mommy Makeover – Post-Pregnancy Procedures Columbus

After pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, many women wish they could just have a full-body makeover. Now, this wish can be granted with the help of a Mommy Makeover! The Mommy Makeover is a combination procedure made up of several smaller procedures meant to restore and even enhance the face and body. The breast augmentation procedure, […]