Lancaster 740.653.5064
Columbus 614.862.8008

Neck Procedures

Conveniently located to serve Columbus, Lancaster, Pickerington, and Canal Winchester

Neck Procedures

The natural aging process can significantly change the way we look and feel about our bodies. The neck is one area that displays these changes the most. Over time, it is common to accumulate fatty deposits and loose skin in the neck region. For rejuvenation and contouring of the neck, there are many different options to consider, including CoolSculpting, Kybella, Tripollar (RF), Liposuction, and Necklift surgery.

Since Central Ohio Plastic Surgery opened in 2005, we have offered a full range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures designed to help patients age gracefully. Dr. Jason B. Lichten is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial and neck rejuvenation procedures and will help guide you toward the best cosmetic solution to address your specific needs.

What Are Neck Procedures?

When the neck begins to accumulate excess skin and stubborn fat, it can disrupt the proportions of the face. In such cases, neck procedures can be used to improve one’s facial profile by recontouring the neck. There are a myriad of neck procedures available to choose from and our team can help guide you to the best choice for your unique aesthetic goals.

Reduce Neck Fat With CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is done in the office to treat stubborn areas of fat. Since its introduction to the market years ago, CoolSculpting protocols have evolved and become significantly more effective. Patients typically experience a reduction of fat in the treated area of about 25% each treatment.
CoolSculpting can be used on stubborn pockets of fat all over the body, including the neck, that does not go away despite diet and exercise and/or feel out of proportion to the rest of your body. While CoolSculpting is not a substitute for weight loss, and patients should not be significantly overweight, it is the #1 non-invasive fat-reduction office procedure. In fact, over 7 million treatments have been done over the past several years worldwide.

Neck Rejuvenation With Kybella

Kybella is injected in multiple sessions into the area of excess fat under the chin. It is made up of deoxycholic acid, a natural substance found in the body that literally melts the fat. Most patients will need 2 sessions to achieve their desired results. The results are permanent destruction of the fat cells and a thinner, more contoured neck in the right patients.

Neck Liposuction

Liposuction is another common procedure to help contour the neck. While liposuction is not a good weight loss tool, it is very useful in addressing persistent trouble areas that are resistant to weight loss. Using small metal tubes, areas of excess fat and subcutaneous tissue are removed with the use of suction to improve the neck’s contour. Other patients may need neck lift surgery to remove excess, loose skin, depending on their specific issues with their neck. At your consultation, Dr. Lichten will discuss with you all the pros and cons of each option and what would be best for you.

Apollo Tripollar Radiofrequency Treatment

The Apollo Tripollar is a Radio-Frequency device cleared by the FDA for the treatment of wrinkles and rhytids. Due to enhanced generation of new collagen and tightening of existing collagen the Apollo can treat sagging skin, loose jowls, jawline contouring, sagging skin under-chin (“turkey neck”), wrinkles, and fine lines, and a general toning and lifting of the face.

The standard protocol for treatments with the Apollo device calls for 6-8 treatments. However, if needed, more treatments can be added according to the condition being treated. Touch-up treatments are recommended every 3-6 months to maintain and improve the treatment results.

Choosing the Best Neck Procedure For You

During your consultation, Dr. Lichten will perform an assessment of your neck and discuss your medical history along with your aesthetic goals to determine the best cosmetic procedure for you. Depending on which techniques you choose, results may be immediate or may take days, weeks, or months to get the full effect.

Some procedures have minimal “down-time” and patients can go back to work, or out to dinner with little to no makeup the same day. The results may last months or years and can help improve the signs of facial aging. With surgery, the goal is to “set the clock back” 10 years. With any procedure, the goal is to give a more rested, youthful appearance.

Recovery From Neck Surgery

If you choose to undergo more invasive neck surgery, there are factors to consider when it comes to proper recovery. With surgery, most patients experience some degree of bruising and should avoid strenuous activity for the first few weeks after surgery. Depending on what type of work you do, you may be able to go back to work in 1 to 4 weeks.

Contact Our Office

If you’re interested in learning more about neck procedures, don’t hesitate to contact Central Ohio Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation today. Our offices are located at 2656 N. Columbus Street, Suite A Lancaster, OH 43130 and off Broad Street near Mt. Carmel East in Columbus. Dr. Lichten and our skilled team will happily guide you throughout the entire process and help you achieve the look of your dreams.


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